Car Seats 10 results

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Strap in and get moving with comfy car seats

When you're shopping for a car seat for your baby or toddler, the first thing to do is to figure out which shape, size and configuration works best for your kid's age, the size of your family and the kinds of daily activities you do. Kmart carries a wide variety of daily use and travel car seats from trusted brands which can help you decide which one to bring home.

If you and your kids are constantly on the move, a convertible car seat makes life a lot easier. These handy units double as stroller seats, and can transfer from car to stroller in a flash. Pair a convertible car seat from Safety 1st with a chest- or back-mounted baby carrier and you will be able to take your kid anywhere. For trips to the zoo or city park, a convertible stroller and baby carrier combo makes going from car to parking lot to front gate a snap. When you're planning a trip on a train, plane or public transit, convertible car seats give you options for transferring between modes of transport.

For those kids who are growing up way too quickly, invest in a booster seat from Evenflo. These seats are made to offer support to older kids, while helping your kids feel like they are grown-ups. The more open design gives more freedom to restless kids, while features like removable back rests and adjustable arms allow you to configure the seat for growing bodies. Built-in cup holders let your kids sip their very own juice boxes and milk cartons, and the elevated base allows them to sit up and look out the window, just like mom and dad!

Whichever type of car seat you choose, you can rest assured that the today's top-quality models are built with advanced safety features to keep your baby safe in every situation. Top car seat makers like Cosco, Safety 1st and Evenflo build their seats by molding advanced shock-absorbing foam into tough polymer shells to absorb the bumps and jolts of daily driving. Their securely engineered bases use your car-specific or universal seat belts as attachment points, delivering a sturdy base that won't shift around on those tight turns. Trust quality car seats from Kmart to deliver your precious cargo safely home, time after time.